
The Swiss soprano Chelsea Zurflüh, who grew up in Pieterlen, completed her vocal studies with Barbara Locher at the Bern University of the Arts/Swiss Opera Studio Biel in 2021, earning top marks. She has won prizes at numerous competitions, including the Antonio Cesti Competition at the Innsbruck Festival of Early Music (2022) and the International Mozart Competition in Salzburg (2023). From 2021 to 2023, she was a member of the Zurich Opera Studio, where she performed in Mozart’s Figaro, Rossini’s Il turco in Italia, Rihm’s Jakob Lenz, and Handel’s Serse. She has also appeared at the Theater Biel-Solothurn and the Bühnen Bern. Concert engagements have taken her to the Vienna Konzerthaus and the Zurich Tonhalle. Although she focuses on classical music, Chelsea Zurflüh also devotes herself to rock music and soul. In 2019, she sang the national anthem at the swearing-in ceremony for the members of the Council of States in the Federal Palace.

July 2024