
The Swedish soprano Åsa Jäger completed her vocal studies with distinction at the University College of Opera in Stockholm in 2015. She received Bayreuth Scholarships from the Swedish Wagner Society in 2015 and from the Danish Wagner Society in 2022. In 2019, she made her stage debut at Norrlandsoperan as the Mother in Humperdinck’s Hansel and Gretel. Jäger is considered one of the great hopes in the Wagner repertoire for dramatic soprano: she sang Brünnhilde in Die Walküre for the first time at Theater Coburg in 2022 and in Siegfried in 2023; the critic Alex Ross included her on his short list of notable performances for 2022 in The New Yorker. In 2024, she sang Senta in The Flying Dutchman in Gothenburg and was praised by Svenska Dagbladet as a “brightly shining star in the Wagner firmament.” Jäger is also committed to new music and has performed in the concert hall with the Royal Swedish Orchestra as well as the Gävle, Aalborg, and Norrköping Symphony Orchestras.

July 2024