Sun 31.08. | 10.00 | Neubad, Saal
This concert is kindly supported by the Arthur Waser Foundation
Three unusual sailors take to the stage: a musician and dancer from a distant land, a mysterious harpist who sews magnificent costumes, and a violinist who can work magic with her bow. The three of them are searching for their place in the world, embarking on a journey full of surprises and experiencing a story that captivates the young audience from beginning to end. It is not only about the meeting of three very different artists, but also about an encounter between cultures: classical pieces of music are combined with African rhythms and harmonies, while traditional songs from Burkina Faso and Senegal are played on the harp and violin. The leitmotif is water, as the title BarkaBach suggests: “barka” means “thank you” in Mooré, one of the more than 60 national languages of Burkina Faso, but it also echoes the Italian word “barca” (“boat”). Harpist Estelle Costanzo, violinist Eleonora Savini, and director Dan Tanson are regular guests at the Festival and have previously thrilled audiences with productions such as Heroïca, Goldmädchen, and Senegalliarde.